Thursday, February 21, 2008

Habit 2---Begin With the End in Mind

To be a successful Manager you need to do two things:
1. Define Your Unique Contribution
2. Define Practical Outcome:Everywhere, Every Time
When I say Define Your Unique Contribution I meant that mostly all Managers around us are so busy doing the usual stuff of getting the job done that they really forget what is the exact purpose for getting the job done, these managers come under mediocre managers, If you wish to be a Manager different than the other managers then You will have to think out of the box. You need to have a purpose for getting that perticular job and also should know precisely as to what could be your contribution that no one else has given yet and how could you achieve it.
So you need to write done your contribution statement. Let your boss know about your intentions and your team and try to get their feedback on the same.
Then I said Define Practical Outcomes--Everywhere, Every time, to understand this we need to use a tool.
This tool is called as The 5-Minute planner
This tool will help a manager to to have a clear end in mind while initiating a project.
Use of this Tool
1. Define the purpose of the project with the business need for doing that project.
2. Define the desired results. these will be the specific outcome of the project and you can measure if project has been succcessful.
3. Define how project advancement with the organisations end in mind.
4. Define the Key Stockholders. These are the customers whose interest the project serves.what are your customers need and their end in mind.
5. Define the Key factors-- time,cost, or quality.
5. Define the budget and the available resources.

After this we have 5-minute meeting planner and also 5-minute presentation planner which will help us bring a project to a desired end.

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